Adrienne Bardos, The Hub Ministries Director


In 2008, my husband and I were married at The Grove by Pastor Tom Lance. We began attending The Grove one year prior, coming from recent divorces and we truly felt at home here. We were led back to the Lord and rededicated our lives, wanting to begin our new blended family marriage with God at the center. His grace and love for us truly became our focus as He met us where we were and showed us how to seek Him each day on our new journey. I was raised knowing God’s love, but here is where I truly learned how to seek after and have a personal relationship with my God. He has shown me how to step out in faith and truly grow in my faith by leading my team in The Hub and sharing my story of brokenness through my small group for other blended families.

My husband and I have 8 kids all together, a household of fun with 5 girls and 3 boys. 

My prayer for our church is to truly show God’s grace to each person who walks in the doors. We are a church that wants to reach all people, and I pray that this means meeting them right where they are. Surrounding them with love to help them know Jesus died on the cross for them, as they repent, He heals the sins of their past and is here to walk beside them in their new life.

If you’d like to get in contact with me, please call or click below. 951-571-9090 ext. 2247