
 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

Acts 1:8


2025 marks a special milestone for The Grove as we celebrate our 100-year anniversary. The story of The Grove is a testament to God’s unwavering faithfulness. Our theme for this year is “Witness His Power,” inspired by Acts 1:8, where Jesus promises, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” This verse reminds us that God builds and preserves His Church — not through human strength, but through the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit.

As we reflect on a century of ministry, we recognize the undeniable evidence of God’s power at work. We’ve witnessed it in countless lives transformed by the Gospel here in Riverside and across the globe. Just as the apostles saw God’s power in raising Jesus from the dead, we’ve seen His Spirit move among us, building and sustaining The Grove over the past 100 years. This legacy compels us to carry the Gospel to new places, answering the call to be witnesses of His power in our own Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

This brochure includes $1,000,000 in projects that embody God’s love in action. These projects are not just acts of service; they are opportunities to experience the power of the Gospel. Whether helping train ministry workers, supporting new church plants, sending out Global Partners, offering humanitarian relief, or rescuing people from sex trafficking, each initiative is a tangible expression of God’s transforming power. Through these efforts, we are confident that people will witness the life-changing power of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

This call to witness His power extends far beyond these projects. It is a daily call for each of us. Wherever God places us — in our homes, schools, workplaces, or neighborhoods — we are called to be living testimonies of His power, love, and redemption. As we align our hearts with Jesus, His power flows through us, enabling us to serve, love, and shine His light in even the darkest places.

This year, let us press forward, knowing our efforts are not in vain. We have seen His power over the last 100 years, and with the Holy Spirit guiding us, we will continue to witness His power in this next year in even greater ways. May we carry the Gospel forward and always remain a church Being Changed by God to Reach All People.


 Daniel Bishop, Lead Pastor





Tom and Carol Lance Endowment Fund
Supporting the Next Leaders of the Church

For the past 50 years, Pastor Tom and Carol Lance have faithfully served The Grove Community Church. Pastor Tom has led as Youth Pastor, Executive Pastor, for 26 years as Senior Pastor, and now Pastor Emeritus. Carol has led as the Women’s Director, Director of Pastoral Support, and now Small Groups Director. Both have played such an integral part in shaping The Grove, and their faithfulness to follow where the Lord leads, in many ways, is the reason The Grove is what it is today. It is difficult to estimate the impact their leadership has had over the years, but to know them is to be inspired to follow Jesus more closely and to give God glory. They have truly embodied what it means to be changed by God to reach all people.

One significant way they have lived out this vision is by training future church leaders, both at The Grove and in other churches around the world. Tom is affectionately known as “Coach” by those who have benefited from his guidance as he gracefully pushes and leads individuals to become all God desires them to be. Hundreds of people have entered and remained in ministry because of his guidance and care.

Today, there is a growing need for church workers around the world as an older generation begins to retire. As Jesus tells us, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” (Matthew 9:37). As we seek to fill this need, we remain committed to equipping future leaders at The Grove and churches worldwide. One essential part of this is solid biblical training. Many of The Grove’s pastors have received amazing biblical training through California Baptist University’s School of Christian Ministries.

This year, to continue this investment and honor Pastor Tom and Carol’s legacy in developing church leaders, we are excited to partner with CBU in establishing the Tom and Carol Lance Endowment Fund. Through a $125,000 contribution from The Grove, along with matching funds of $125,000 from the university and $250,000 from a generous CBU donor, this endowment will begin at $500,000. Scholarships from the endowment will go toward individuals from The Grove following a call into local church ministry to ensure these future workers receive this important training.


Residency Program
Training and Sending

Part of The Grove’s DNA is to continually invest in the next generation of leaders within the church. One of the ways we accomplish this is through our Residency Program. The goal of this program is to develop and sharpen the giftings God has already given His workers as we help prepare them for the task He is calling them to. This residency is for leaders who want to either church plant, help restart a struggling church, or be sent out as Global Partners to bring the Gospel to all nations.

Two years into the program’s existence, we are very excited to be sending out our first graduate, Grantham Wash! This is a huge moment as we strive to invest in the next generation of church leaders.

Grantham and his wife, Abbey, have been commissioned by The Grove to lead the revitalization and relaunch of a six-member church in London. They have already begun the work and are getting settled into their new roles. Another part of the residency’s vision is to help the graduates in the beginning stages of the work they are called to. This year, in addition to supporting the Residency Program, funds from the Love Offering will go toward setting up the Wash family for success in their first year of ministry. This includes obtaining visas required for the work, helping with housing needs as they get settled, two e-bikes for transportation, and biblical commentaries for Grantham’s study. In addition, we will help their new church purchase essential materials such as new Bibles, as well as audio and visual upgrades in speakers, a soundboard, and media presentation equipment.

We are very excited to send some of our best as they embark in this important work and to see all God does in the Residency Program this coming year!




Rebirth Homes

Rebirth Homes empowers women to break free from human trafficking and rebuild their lives through rehabilitation, counseling, and faith-based support. We have partnered with Grove members Kevin and Debbie Martis in their endeavor of Rebirth Homes since its beginning. In the last 12 years, they have opened three homes and helped over 300 women escape trafficking. This year, we will continue to support this ministry in helping more women find healing.

Adoption Support

As a church, we are committed to empowering families through adoption assistance. Through various events, services, and counseling, we aim to come alongside Grove families, ensuring they are equipped with all they need as they fulfill their calling to foster and adopt. This year, we will continue in this work as we anticipate supporting six more Grove families beginning this journey.

Local Church Support

The Grove recognizes the unique role each church plays in God’s plan, and we understand that sometimes churches need support to fulfill their mission. Our commitment is to come alongside these congregations. Funds from the Love Offering will provide resources and assistance to help them thrive. By empowering churches to reach their full potential, we help ensure they can effectively serve and share the Good News with all whom God has brought before them!



Riverside Life Services

For almost 30 years, The Grove has collaborated with Riverside Life Services, a local non-profit that supports women facing challenges during pregnancy. They champion life through various services, including a mobile ultrasound unit, counseling for both mothers and fathers, and assistance for both the baby and mother before, during, and after birth.

Their commitment to their mission remains strong, yet some parts of their operations, such as their main facility, are showing signs of aging. In order to maintain an inviting and safe environment for families, we will work with them to replace their 1970s windows, screens, and blinds. This will ensure that their facilities will continue to serve their needs for years to come!

Engage Ministry

Reaching Internationals in Our Community

The Engage Ministry exists to equip and empower The Grove to reach local internationals with the Gospel. This ministry is actively training our church to deeply engage in discipleship relationships with all the people God is bringing to Riverside. Over the first two years as a ministry, we have offered conversational English classes, connected with hundreds of international students, and shared the Gospel with many. People are coming to faith in Jesus as we bear witness to His power!

Looking ahead to 2025, as dozens of refugee families are expected to be placed in our area, we are preparing to reach as many of them as possible. Funds will go towards classes, essential resources for these families, and training our church to reach all those God is bringing.

Easter Progressive Dinner

As part of our efforts to reach international students in Riverside, we are excited to continue supporting Global Partners Mike and Kathy Cain in hosting the Easter Progressive Dinner. This example of beautiful hospitality is a platform where the power of Jesus’ resurrection is shared with hundreds of local international students. This evening of fellowship and love creates an atmosphere for Gospel-centered conversations. The Love Offering will help cover the cost of the materials needed for the event through which many will hear biblical Easter story for the first time.

The Future of Serve Days

Love Your Neighbor

We are dedicated to demonstrating God’s love in practical ways by helping our neighbors. Small acts of kindness and service can help spread the love of Jesus to both those being helped and those doing the serving. This has been the focus of Serve Week and Serve Saturdays for the past six years. Looking ahead, we remain committed to sharing God’s love through practical means, but under a new name, “Love Your Neighbor.” Throughout the year, we will organize “Love Your Neighbor” days of service aimed at investing in our community, aligning with God’s commandment to love Him and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Funds from the Love Offering will go towards the needed supplies and materials to accomplish these projects.

Perris Outreach

The Grove has invested in serving the city of Perris for the last nine years. Looking ahead, we will continue this work in the community through food and clothing distributions, Bible clubs, and a week-long camp for children of incarcerated parents. In conjunction with operating two community centers, we will also help provide community-wide celebrations and events, spreading Christ’s love throughout the city.



Community Events

God is continuing to bring more and more people to our area, and we are eager to share the Good News of Jesus with them! Our community events, such as the Pumpkin Patch, Christmas Tree Lighting, Easter Egg Hunt, and Water Mania, have brought tens of thousands of people to our campus over the last decade. These events have allowed us to develop personal connections, invite people to church, and engage in conversations about Jesus. All of this is made possible by the Love Offering, and we are excited to continue hosting these events as we strive to see people changed by God.

Outdoor Stage

Throughout the year, we put on various events and services outdoors in an effort to reach more people with the Gospel here in our community. From our Easter sunrise service to the multiple community nights, a stage is often utilized to make these events and services happen. This year, we will invest in obtaining a more permanent solution for our outdoor stage that can be used for these special events and services throughout the year.

Debt Reduction

Throughout the year, we put on various events and services outdoors in an effort to reach more people with the Gospel here in our community. From our Easter sunrise service to the multiple community nights, a stage is often utilized to make these events and services happen. This year, we will invest in obtaining a more permanent solution for our outdoor stage that can be used for these special events and services throughout the year.




Western Asia

Youth Discipleship Camp

God is powerfully moving in Western Asia as many come to know Christ and engage in discipleship. Over the last two years, we have been able to partner with our Global Partner the “A” family to put on a regional camp that is designed to reach the youth with biblical teaching, worship, and evangelism. This year, we will continue to support this camp by providing funds for scholarships as the “A” family reaches all people with the Gospel.

South Asia

Church Planter Training

Of this region’s 33.9 million people, only 0.6% have professed faith in Christ. For over seven years, the “C” family has been actively engaged in witnessing God’s power to this population. This year, their ambition is to establish churches in every village and reach 16 unreached people groups across 11 districts by mid-2025. The Grove will partner with them in making this goal a reality by providing funds that will go directly toward training nationals in church planting for these new regions.

Central America

Leadership Gathering

Global Partners the Walkers support Mexican missionaries, pastors, and leaders in the local church. Through a Latin American missions organization, they train these leaders to strategically grow in ways that will help them fulfill their mission. This year, The Grove will partner with the Walkers by providing scholarships for their leadership gathering in Panama, as well as Bibles and study materials for those in attendance.


Middle East

Bible Distribution

The Grove has enjoyed a decade-long partnership with Elam, a ministry founded to bring Jesus to the Persian-speaking world. Even in the face of persecution, they have remained committed to strengthening and expanding the Church in the Middle East. In our first year of partnership, we supported Elam in printing 5,000 Bibles, and over the last ten years, we have helped reach over 30 cities in the region. The Grove has also collaborated with Elam to expand their ministry training opportunities through supporting a women’s conference, children’s soccer camps, and leadership training events for music, media, and technology. This year, we are excited to continue our partnership in distributing another 5,000 Bibles to new believers, furthering their reach and impact to the world.




The Grove’s first Reach Group

The Grove’s first 9-month Group


Mobilization Through the Pipeline
Equipping the Next Global Partners from The Grove

The Mobilization Pipeline at The Grove, established two years ago, is designed to train and send new Global Partners. Its core mission is to assist individuals who feel called to global missions by providing them with a structured process to explore and pursue their calling.

Since its establishment, the initiative has made significant progress. A formal process was created to guide and support those sensing a call to missions, giving them a clear path to follow. The introduction of the Mission of God Class has also been a key accomplishment, offering education on God’s heart for all nations and equipping individuals interested in overseas missions. For those wanting to continue, the next step is joining a Reach Group, a ten-week discipleship intensive, where individuals can gain more experience and training in sharing the Gospel.

Additionally, the Pipeline process has been developed to systematically train, equip, and send out Global Partners, ensuring they are well-prepared for the mission field. One of the most innovative efforts has been the creation of “9-month Groups,” in which prospective Global Partners live in neighboring apartment complexes, train together, evangelize to their neighbors, and gain practical experience in sharing the Gospel.

In the coming year, The Grove’s Mobilization Team will continue offering the Mission of God Class, providing more people within The Grove the opportunity to learn about God’s heart for the nations. They will also prepare a new group to participate in the next “9-month Group,” further expanding the reach and impact of the initiative. Additionally, the team will focus on sending out the next wave of Global Partners.

Looking ahead to our next 100 years, The Grove remains committed to mobilizing its believers to fulfill the Great Commission, reaching the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8) with the transformative message of the Gospel.


New Global Partners


Grantham & Abbey Wash

Grantham is our first Residency Program graduate from The Grove, who most recently served as our Young Adults Pastor. Beginning in fall 2024, Pastor Grantham and Abbey will lead a church revitalization in London.

Austin & Niki B.

Austin and Niki are two faithful Grovites being sent out to share the Gospel. They will oversee video storytelling in Europe for their sending organization. They will also be partnering with the Wash family in revitalizing a church.

Louie & Twyla C.
Southeast Asia

Louie and Twyla will be planting a church in Southeast Asia. They also hope to help generate clean water and provide conversational English classes.

Allyson Wilhite

Allyson is joining the Mobilization Team here at The Grove. She will help prepare our future Global Partners in the Pipeline who are training to be sent to the nations and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus.


Mission of God Class

The Mission of God Class equips participants to develop a passion and conviction to engage in God’s work throughout the world. Through the seven-week course that consists of education, application, and Bible study, participants will explore God’s great mission to redeem people from every tribe, tongue, and nation to Himself. Funds from the Love Offering will be used for speakers and class expenses. Our desire is to see people move from awareness and exploration to passion and conviction for God’s heart for the nations.

Global Partner Care

At The Grove, our commitment to supporting Global Partners extends beyond equipping them to be sent overseas — it encompasses sustaining them through the challenges they face on the field. Mission work is demanding, and our Global Partners often encounter tough seasons, whether due to persecution, slow progress in their vision, financial strain, or interpersonal conflicts. These hurdles can cause partners to consider leaving the field.

This year, we’re deepening our dedication to Global Partners through a more proactive strategy. Love Offering funds will be used to bolster our support system. This includes adding staff and counselors and sending Grove members to provide on-the-ground encouragement. Our goal is to ensure that our partners have the needed resources and support to remain steadfast in their unique calling. Through these efforts, we aim to help our Global Partners stay where the Lord has called them, empowering them to persevere and thrive in the mission field.

Pictured: Pastors Jeremy and David visit the Hirotos in Malawi to bring Love Offering funds and encourage them in their ministry.



Central Asia
Orphan Care

For over 15 years, The Grove has supported Phurpu, a national partner, in his ministry among the Tibetan people. Through community service offerings, such as English language centers, medical camps, and orphan care, his team shares about Jesus and continues to see people come to faith in Christ. These believers are then trained to share about Christ and plant churches throughout their region. This year, we will continue to support their orphan care initiative, which demonstrates the power of God’s love and opens doors for Gospel conversations.

Southeast Asia
Global Partner Vehicle

Mikayla M., one of the first graduates of our Global Partner Pipeline, is in her first year serving in Southeast Asia. As she looks ahead to year two, her work will move to a new region, one that contains 22 unreached people groups. Her team will work to build relationships with these people by providing water filtration systems and other humanitarian aid. We will partner with Mikayla and her team by providing a motorcycle to reach these remote areas.

Middle East
Community Center Improvements

In the Middle East, Global Partner the “K” family operates the Life Center, which provides English language instruction and community health services. For over 15 years, they have positively impacted thousands of locals through these programs, sharing Christ’s love and seeing people come to faith in Jesus. This year, The Grove will partner with them to renovate their community center, making improvements to its restrooms and outside appearance. These upgrades will enhance their ability to serve the community and continue their mission effectively.


Discipleship Training Program

Leadership Lab International, run by Global Partners the Meekers, will offer an advanced discipleship training program for Latin American leaders. This two-week course will provide accessible training for believers ready to take on their call to make Christ known. The Grove will support this initiative by providing scholarships for participants from under-resourced Latin American nations.

Church Leader Training

Central African Preaching Academy (CAPA) in Malawi strengthens churches by training leaders to understand and teach God’s Word. The Hiroto family, long-time Global Partner of The Grove, is helping CAPA expand its reach through a new “Theological Studies by Extension” program, equipping untrained church leaders in rural areas. The Grove will help cover training costs to see the power of Jesus continue to spread in this country.

Adult Literacy Classes

Mission India is dedicated to helping India witness the power of the Gospel. The organization focuses on equipping church planters who, in turn, mentor new believers to continue the mission. A large part of this equipping process is helping individuals develop basic literacy skills that strategically aid them in sharing their faith. This year, we will support adult literacy classes for 150 people, training believers to reach the 1.3 billion in India who have yet to encounter Jesus.



Southeast Asia
Church Planter Gathering

In Southeast Asia, a spiritual awakening is unfolding. Global Partner the “T” family is nurturing this growth through a pivotal annual gathering. For one transformative week each year, church planters unite in prayer and training, aligning in vision for the year ahead. This gathering is fueling a mission that’s changing lives, spreading hope, and building communities of faith in Christ. The Grove will come alongside these leaders as they help shape the future of Southeast Asia for Jesus.

Local Language Bibles

Through their organization Empowering Ugandans, Grovites Jeff and Yvonne Weinstein operate a training center in Gulu, Uganda. They offer free vocational courses in sewing and computer skills. They also conduct monthly community-building trips to churches in the region, providing Bible lessons and leadership training. We will partner in their mission by providing Bibles in the local tribal languages for use in discipleship classes, church events, and worship services across Northern Uganda.

Veterinary Student Clubs

Global Partners Michael and Hillary Mincher are following God’s call to reach all of Mongolia for Christ. Through veterinary work, student training clubs, and other student ministry initiatives, the Gospel is being shared, and people are putting their faith in Jesus. This year, The Grove will partner with the Minchers in funding three of their veterinary student clubs.


Children’s Center Expansion

This year, The Grove Men will travel to Ecuador as part of the long-standing HANDS initiative, partnering with Global Partners the Kallestads. HANDS began in 1975 as a way to practically model the hands and feet of Jesus. Over the last 50 years, HANDS teams have completed projects, such as building churches and water systems, in underserved communities around the world. This past decade, HANDS served in Belize, partnering with local church leaders to address various community needs, from building infrastructure to offering medical support.

This year, the team will assist with the Kallestads’ children’s center in El Recreo, Ecuador. This center provides impoverished children with food, education, and health services. Every day, more and more children are in need of their help. In response, we will work to expand the center’s capacity from 450 to 850, allowing more children to experience Jesus’ love. Through these efforts, the HANDS initiative continues its legacy of providing tangible help and sharing the love of Christ in communities across the globe.


 A Growing Partnership
Church Planting in Northern Uganda


For the past ten years, The Grove has partnered with Gulu Bible Community Church (GBCC) to plant churches in Northern Uganda, where we’ve witnessed incredible growth and community transformation.

This journey began in 2006 with a simple desire to support children in Uganda through World Vision, bringing clean water and physical care. By 2012, many in our congregation were giving generously to this region, so we sought to come together with a clear plan of how best to serve this country.

Around the same time, we met Pastor Martin Onen and his wife, Hope, who led an exciting network of churches in Northern Uganda. These churches were strategically planted to combat the spread of radical Islam. Their passion for church planting and sharing the Gospel inspired our next steps. In 2014, we supported GBCC in planting churches in Anaka and Lira. Later, our partnership expanded to Adjumani and Kitgum, near some of the world’s largest refugee settlements.

For each church plant, we provided five years of support as they installed local pastors and developed self-sustainability projects like farms and storehouses. Adjumani, in particular, features a thriving church, a training center for local pastors, and a farm that teaches self-sustainability practices. These four church plants, in total, have multiplied, planting five of their own churches!

The exciting news is that in 2025, we will be supporting GBCC in planting a fifth church in the mountainous town of Moyo, and we are eager to see how God will move in this new location!

Our connection to Northern Uganda is more than just planting churches — it’s about relationships. Over the years, many Grovites have participated in treks to serve, build, and connect with these amazing communities. We’re honored to be a part of this ongoing story of faith and community, and we’re excited to see how God grows this partnership to keep bringing hope, love, and transformation to Northern Uganda.


Remember Nhu

Remember Nhu is a non-profit that combats child trafficking through prevention. They provide at-risk children with education, healthcare, safe homes, and spiritual support, empowering them to avoid exploitation often caused by extreme poverty. Through awareness, advocacy, and direct support from donors, Remember Nhu has helped thousands of children across the world build better futures, freeing them from the threat of being sold into slavery.

Entering our tenth year of partnership, The Grove will continue supporting one of their homes in Thailand. Each year, the home cares for 28 children, giving them freedom and the opportunity to witness the love of Jesus.

Eastern Mediterranean
Second Home Fellowship

Global Partner the “R” family focuses on evangelizing to the Spanish-speaking community in the Eastern Mediterranean. In 2023, The Grove helped them launch a Spanish home fellowship, which has grown from 4 to 20 core adult members. The group is thriving, and people are accepting Christ and being baptized. They now aim to expand their outreach by starting a second home fellowship. The Grove will help provide Bibles and discipleship materials, along with covering costs for meeting expenses and transportation.

Middle East
Meeting Space Improvement

In a pivotal Middle Eastern region, a new Christian community is taking root among non-believers. This small group of believers is working to establish an ongoing presence in challenging circumstances. Our partnership with them this year will allow for improvements to their meeting space, including audio and video equipment and a generator to improve power stability when the government power is not running. The Grove will help nurture this newly developed church and foster spiritual growth in an area where the Christian faith is just beginning to flourish.


Responding to God’s Voice


Having experienced the life-changing power of knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior, we align our hearts and lives to Witness His Power. God has laid before us some amazing opportunities. How will you respond?

Love Offering Goal = $1,000,000

On the weekend of November 16 and 17, 2024, we will receive the 2025 Love Offering that is dedicated to accomplishing these initiatives. Falling short of the goal will simply mean that the most important projects get funded, but others will have to wait. $1,000,000 is a big goal, and it will take the commitment and faith of the whole Grove family, plus God’s power and provision, to make this happen. We invite you to be a part of what we believe God will accomplish this year by giving in faith toward these opportunities.

One-time Pledge

As you pray about making a gift to the 2025 Love Offering, there are two options you might consider. The first is simply making a one-time gift. This gift can be made on the weekend of November 16 and 17 or any time up to December 31, 2024.

12-month Pledge

The second option is to make a Faith Pledge to give over the next 12 months. You can complete a Faith Pledge Card and put it in the offering, or you can pledge online. This is a commitment to give based on your faith that God will enable you to give even if you don’t see how today. Many have found this method to work best and discovered they can actually give more when they give systematically. It is a spiritually stretching experience.



  • We are asking everyone to consider making a Love Offering gift over and above their regular giving. Regular giving (tithe) is used to fund normal church operations and ministries. The Love Offering will fund these special opportunities that are unique to The Grove.

  • During the weekend services on November 16 and 17, 2024, The Grove will receive the Love Offering. You may make a gift at that time or any time through the remainder of the year. Each year, many in our church family choose to make a Faith Pledge and give periodically over the next 12 months. There is more information on the Faith Pledge Online Form.

  • The amount of your gift is a personal decision that should be made after seeking God in prayer. It is between you and God. We encourage you to depend on God’s ability and power to provide when you give rather than just your own ability. Experiencing His power to help you give is a faith-building event.

  • When you give, please select “Love Offering” from the drop-down menu. Donations by mail can be labeled as “Love Offering.” This will make sure it is recorded correctly when received.

  • In addition to giving online, you may mail a check to the church office or place your gift in the offering box at the end of an in-person service. You may also use The Grove App with your smart phone or click here to make a one-time gift or to set up a schedule to give periodically.

  • As the name indicates, this is a step of faith, trusting God to provide as you stretch beyond what you can give comfortably and commit to a future amount God places on your heart. A Faith Pledge depends on God to provide for you, enabling you to fulfill the pledge. You can click here to make a pledge online, or pledge cards will be available at the Welcome Counters.

  • In 2024, we were able to fulfill every opportunity because of your faithful and generous giving. We believe that in 2025 God will help us do that again. If we do fall short, the Board and staff will prioritize the projects, deciding which projects will move forward and when. Every effort will be made to complete as many of the projects as possible with the funds provided.

  • If you have additional questions about the Love Offering, please contact us by emailing or by calling (951) 571-9090.



Walk Worthy

Praise God for the 47 ways He was faithful through our 2024 Love Offering!

Only because of the Gospel can we joyfully live out our vision of Being Changed by God to Reach All People. And we pray we will remember to walk “worthy of the Gospel of Christ… standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the Gospel” (Philippians 1:27).

We trust that God will continue to move in ways that only He can move so that all people in Riverside and around the world will Walk Worthy of the Gospel!













