Amanda Peck, Children’s Director


I came to know the Lord at a young age and distinctly remember at the age of 5 asking the Lord to come into my life. I am so thankful that I have always known who Jesus was and that He loves me so much. As I grew up, my faith truly become my own. I begged my mom to take me to church each week and I tried to be there as much to learn all I could about the Lord.

I came to The Grove in 2006 when I applied for a job to work in the Children’s Ministry. I immediately fell in love with The Grove and how it truly felt like a small church even though it is a larger church. My husband and I have been here for the past 15 years and love bringing our 3 daughters here each week.

All three of our daughters dance – so I’m a dance mom but not like the ones you would see on TV, much nicer! I also LOVE the good ice and you can always count on me to know all of the places in Riverside where you can get the good ice!

One of our core values at The Grove is that we are better together – and I pray that we would always link arms and work together to make each other better in order to bring God glory.

If you’d like to get in contact with me, please call or click below. 951-571-9090 ext. 2187