Andy Gibeault, Community Impact Pastor


At the age of 15 my family and I started to attend this church. I quickly became involved in the youth group and was even hired by the church to work on facilities. It is during this time that I accepted the Lord as my Savior. During my facilities times I would vacuum all the Sunday school rooms and on the walls were all the scriptures that the kids were learning. As I vacuumed, I memorized those scriptures and those scriptures remain with me even today. That was the beginning of my spiritual journey. I married my wife here at this church and my boys grew up in this church. We have no desire to go anywhere else. The Grove has been a blessing to me and my family and we consider it a privilege to serve here.

Joshua 1:8 is my life verse:“Do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth. You must meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. They you will be prosperous and successful.”

I love to watch sports and am a big sports fan. I also love to travel. My wife and I love to cruise and we have been on 22 cruises. 

My prayer for The Grove is that the Lord will continue to grow His church and His people within the church. I pray that people fall more in love with Jesus every day and that their lives reflect a life that is honoring to God. I pray that mercy and grace define us and our hearts would be sanctified by Him.

If you’d like to get in contact with me, please call or click below. 951-571-9090 ext. 2260