Damon Horton, Associate Teaching Pastor


The Lord saved me when I was 15 years old, and I've been walking with Jesus for over 25 years. In the most recent chapter of my journey in the Lord, I was facing deep discouragement and hurt while Pastoring over the last 14 years. The Lord opened the door for us to be welcomed to The Grove during a time of isolation during the COVID shut down. We have been blessed to see our entire family building relationships that are helping us heal and flourish holistically in life once again.

When I was younger I wrestled and won 6 state championships between the ages of 7 and 14. 

I am an extreme introvert however, my service to the Lord and our Grove family provides me with ample opportunities to not remain isolated. 

My prayer for The Grove would be that we would live our mission statement, "Being changed by God to Reach all people." I pray our Grove family looks and sounds like Riverside. The cultures, ethnicities, generations, and languages will not only be present but growing more deeply in meaningful relationships and spiritual maturity. 

If you’d like to get in contact with me, please click below.