David Reynolds, Communication Pastor


I came to know Christ when I was 9 years old. This was the first time that the truth of the Gospel, that Jesus loved me and died for me, captured my soul. Even at a young age, I knew this was the truth and I accepted Christ as my Savior. I would say, though, that my faith really grew when I was in High School as the truth of the Gospel, that Jesus died for me because He loved me, but also because He had to make a payment, a payment that I couldn’t make, really hit home. This deeper understanding of my sin and inability to save myself solidified my faith and changed my life forever.

A fun fact about me: I have always been and will always be faster than Daniel Bishop.

My prayer for The Grove is that we would continue to become the church that God wants us to be; that our people would love the Lord with all their hearts, minds, and souls, and commit their lives to making Jesus known. That we would be a church that is about the “Big C” Church and see the Gospel spread to every nation and people on earth. 

If you’d like to get in contact with me, please call or click below. 951-571-9090 ext. 2178