And they shall be My people, and I will be their God. I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear Me forever, for their own good and the good of their children after them.

The world is full of fear. Wherever we look, we see fear in individuals and societies, families and institutions. If we are honest, all too often fear lives inside our own hearts. We fear failure, or losing loved ones; we fear ourselves and our brokenness; we fear the future, and physical deterioration and death.
Fear is the natural response of coming face to face with a powerful force. Standing before a raging wildfire or tornado causes fear. Forces of disease, inflation, war, and repression cause fear. We experience fear when we see how small and helpless we are in the face of an overwhelming force.
Yet the Bible shows us what fear truly ought to be. When we see God for who He is — His awesome and uncontrollable power — we experience the right kind of fear. The fear of God humbles us and sets us free from all other fears. We see this expressed throughout Scripture. We are commanded to “not be afraid” as “the fear of God will be with you” (Exodus 20:20). We “do not fear what they fear” because the Lord Almighty “is the One you are to fear” (Isaiah 8:12-13). Our God is a “consuming fire”, worthy of reverence and awe (Hebrews 12:28-29), and “so we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid’” (Hebrews 13:6). Jesus tells us to “not be afraid” because God cares for us and we “fear Him” (Luke 12:4-7).
As we fear God, all other fears fade and we experience joy and freedom. We can follow Him wherever He leads, not worrying about the future because God is in control. We can give up anything for Him, go anywhere for Him, face any challenge in His strength. We long to see this fear of God grow in the hearts of all people around the world.
Each of the following projects is rooted in The Grove’s 2023 vision to “Fear God Forever.” We will engage with those far from the Lord and those in need without fearing their response. We will go to the ends of the earth, beyond the comfort of our own homes and cultures, because we fear only God. We will give and serve generously without worrying about tomorrow because we know the One who provides for all our needs. He alone is worthy to be feared.
Our vision at The Grove is “Being Changed by God to Reach All People.” This will be accomplished only as we learn to live fully in the fear of the Lord. In this next year, we pray and trust God’s promise in Scripture will be realized: “I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear Me forever, for their own good and the good of their children after them” (Jeremiah 32:39 ESV). In faith and confidence, we claim this promise, full of joy as we share God’s message of liberation and hope with all people, here in Riverside and around the world!
Daniel Bishop, Lead Pastor
The Grove is strategically positioned in a diverse area. In 2023, we will launch a new ministry to welcome refugee families and international students, and to be a good neighbor to those from another culture.
The Grove will collaborate with resettlement agencies to provide support to Afghan and Ukrainian refugee families. We will take primary responsibility to welcome these families as they integrate into our community. Refugees need assistance with housing, doctor visits, education, driver’s licenses, and ESL practice as they settle here. We will work to meet these tangible needs and show the love of Jesus while building lasting friendships.
International Students
Riverside is home to many international students due to its many nearby universities. This year, The Grove will engage these students by providing airport pickups, helping them set up bank accounts, and furnishing student apartments. We will support students in learning to navigate our city and offer group activities like hikes and group dinners to build relationships with students throughout the years they are in Riverside.
International Neighbors
More than 20% of Riverside’s population was born outside the United States. The Grove has an amazing opportunity to show God’s love for the nations right in our own community, building authentically welcoming and spiritually intentional relationships. This year, we will provide ESL and American culture classes for families new to the U.S. These classes will discuss Jesus’ life and teaching for those who are interested. People from all cultures and religious backgrounds can participate as we showcase God’s radical love for all people.

Serve Week
Serve Week is a hands-on, effective week of serving those in need right here in our community. Throughout this special week, The Grove family comes together and volunteers their time and resources to build, paint, sweep, clean, and encourage those locally. This week provides unique opportunities to share the love of Jesus through the action of being a good neighbor.
Adoption Support
God’s heart is for restoration toward Him, and one way we see this happen is through children joining their “forever homes.” The Grove wants to empower families to adopt and foster children. In 2023, we will continue this ministry of supporting families through the adoption process with counseling, support, and financial assistance.
Perris Outreach
The city of Perris is dear to the hearts of The Grove family, and there are many needs in this community. Through The Grove Perris, Bible clubs, activities at the community center, and camps for children of incarcerated parents, we want to see hearts transformed to bring healing to this city.
Olive Crest
While many government-funded agencies care for families within the foster care system, Olive Crest works to provide hope in keeping families together. Through its Strong Families Program, Olive Crest meets the needs of families on the fringe but not yet in the foster care system. In 2023, The Grove’s financial support will enable Olive Crest to provide family trainings and resources, cover operational costs, and walk families through the approval process to open their homes to care for children.
As a family moves from a shelter into transitional housing, they have their basic needs met. But to feel stable and safe, it helps to have a feeling of home. The Grove will provide furnishings and welcoming touches to make their new place feel cozy and inviting, showing the love of Jesus to those in need in our community.
Rebirth Homes
We are excited to continue our relationship with Rebirth Homes. Each year women escape the world of human trafficking and seek a new life. Rebirth Homes walks alongside them in this journey of rehabilitation. Through this partnership, we are seeing women be changed by God, find healing, and move on to a restored life.
Inspire WeCare Packages
As foster youth age out of the system at 18, they still have a need to feel cared for. The Grove will partner with Inspire to provide WeCare Packages for one hundred college students coming out of the foster system. These packages include essentials, along with treats and notes of encouragement. Providing for physical needs will help these students feel valued and loved, opening conversations about Jesus.
Community Bridge Events
Through our community bridge events like the Pumpkin Patch, Christmas Tree Lighting, and Water Mania, we see thousands of people come on campus and get connected to the church. These events would not be possible without the support of our Love Offering. It is our prayer that many will come to one of these events, experience the heart of The Grove, and later join us for a weekend service where they will hear the Gospel of Jesus.
Residency Program
Our recently-launched Residency Program is a place to develop leaders with the skills and heart for a life of church planting, global outreach, or church revitalization work. Each resident receives mentorship, gains broad ministry experience, practices a lifestyle of evangelism and discipleship, and serves with a Global Partner in an international context. Last year, we added Grantham and Abbey Wash to the program, and this year we will add another couple.

B-Building Room Expansion
Our Children’s Ministry shepherds hundreds of kids a week, teaching them what it looks like to know and follow Jesus. We have been outgrowing the largest room in the B-Building and need an additional gathering space to grow this ministry. This year, we will reconfigure two of the classrooms, joining them together and creating a space for students to play, have fun, and most importantly, learn about Jesus.
Church Ministry Vehicle
For many years The Grove’s 1999 Suburban has blessed students, missionaries, and many others in a range of ministry uses. In 2023, a newer vehicle is needed to bless and serve younger generations through the years ahead.
Easter 2023
Every year, we see the hearts of those in our community opened to the possibility of learning who God is through an Easter service. As a community church, we wish to engage with those far from the Lord and those in need. We want to maximize our reach by providing a sunrise service and additional resources for the Gospel to be preached to those who have not yet placed their hope in Jesus.
SUPPORTING Struggling Churches
The Grove believes in the unique calling of every church. As we look back over our church history, we remember those who believed in us and those who helped us. In turn, during our season of growth and gratitude, we will give back to other churches in need.
Debt Reduction
For the past five years, every dollar received for the Love Offering over the $1,000,000 mark was used to reduce The Grove’s debt and was matched by a generous family within our church. For the 2022 calendar year, we will have paid down over $1.6 million in debt principal! This year, the same family continues to give generously by pledging to match every dollar raised over $1,000,000. Our goal is to be debt-free by 2025!
Refugee Support
Refugee Community Center
The Shema Community Center in Brussels creates a welcoming environment for Muslim refugees to interact with local Christians and learn about Jesus. This community center is led by The Grove’s Global Partner, Joni Marble, along with local believers, Larifa and Soumia. In 2023, The Grove will support the center’s operations as they reach out to local refugees.
Ukrainian Missionary Housing
Due to the war in Ukraine, many missionaries have been forced to leave the country and are seeking a place to stay. Our Global Partners Brad and Joyce Trottman are helping lead these efforts alongside counselor Jeanni Shepherd. Funds will go towards counseling and providing spaces in Budapest for them to stay while waiting on God’s guidance for what is next.
Bella Vista Refugee Homes
There are many refugees in the Bella Vista area, just outside Punta Gorda. This region floods about five months out of the year, making conditions difficult to live without proper housing. The Grove will partner with Brian Soto and a neighboring church to provide housing for two refugee families this year. The Grove Men will build these homes during the annual HANDS trek to Belize.
Ukraine Local Church Support
As the war continues to wage in Ukraine, the church has not left. Pastor Sergey and others are passionate about continuing the work the Lord has given them, despite fears that come with living in a battleground. Pastor Sergey embodies what it looks like to “Fear God Forever,” and we are excited to partner with him again in 2023. The church of Ukraine has many needs at this time, and The Grove will support them as they move forward through great uncertainty.

Children’s Center
Global Partners Doug and Shelly Kallestad work with over 1,200 families through their four Children’s Centers in Ecuador. The largest center in the El Recreo church building needs additional space to serve children through discipleship, tutoring, medical checkups, and more. Through this ministry, the church has reached many families and begun life groups in neighborhoods that had no witness for Christ. The Grove will help fund construction of new classroom facilities, along with improvement of the church’s kitchen, bathrooms, and outdoor play areas.
Middle East
Evangelism Ministry
Our partners in this region introduce Muslims to Jesus and plant seeds of faith in a hard culture. In 2023, they will launch a new ministry in an unreached city with more than a million people. The Grove will support this team as they focus on discipleship and mentoring local leaders, laying a foundation for a future church plant in the city.
Marketplace Ministry
Last year, The Grove’s Love Offering funded a coffee-drying business for our Global Partners in Guatemala. Their vision is to provide fair trade work, using proceeds to send Latino missionaries to the Muslim world. In 2023, they will go to the Middle East to work and study alongside a team of certified Specialty Coffee Association producers, opening a door to future ministry in the region. The Grove will provide funding for their travel and professional certifications.
Church Building
Albania remains one of the least-reached areas for the Gospel. Global Partners, the “P” family, have planted several churches in the Balkan region, one of which now has 400 believers and continues to grow. After renting space for years, they recently purchased land. In 2023, The Grove will help fund the construction of a church building which will also be used as a community center.
New Church Plants
Eastern Mediterranean
Global Partners, the “R” family, serve as church planters in the Eastern Mediterranean. Recently this area has seen over 120,000 immigrants arrive from Latin America. The “R” family is working to launch a Spanish-speaking church for the region, focusing on evangelism and home fellowships. In 2023, The Grove will provide start-up funding to assist this new church.
The Grove has fallen in love with Uganda and its people. In 2023, The Grove will support a fourth church plant in the city of Kitgum, home to many refugees from South Sudan. Pastor Edwin Onen, and his wife, Evelyn, continue to provide training, relief, and the Good News of Jesus throughout this area of refugee settlements.
Mission India shares the Good News of Jesus and plants churches throughout the country. In 2023, The Grove will support two church planters, helping them with much-needed training and resources. Over the next year, their goal is to share the Gospel with over 600 individuals and plant two house churches.

Church Building
Pastor Martinez has one of the fastest-growing ministries in Durango, Mexico. His church has walls and a floor, but no roof. The weather in the area makes it necessary to have a substantial roof so that their ministry can expand. In 2023, The Grove will come alongside this church and provide funding for a new concrete roof.
South Asia
English Class Discipleship
Global Partners, the “C” family, and their team are expanding their work in South Asia into a new unreached district. Spoken English is a highly desired skill in this area, and their focus will be on launching an intensive course to connect with the local population and build discipleship relationships. The Grove will provide them with materials and help cover rental and instructor fees.
South Asia
Bakery Ministry
The Grove’s Global Partners, the “M” family, connect with unreached people groups in their city to share the hope of Jesus. In 2023, The Grove will support them as they start a local bakery. This will provide a connection point within the community and discipleship opportunities among customers and staff.
Central Asia
Student Care Shelter
Through the ministry of Global Partner Phurpu, many youth are turning to Jesus in Central Asia. With salvation comes persecution and the need to escape violence by relatives and friends. Phurpu and his team have a plan for housing these youth. The Grove will provide funds to help build a two-floor tin shelter in the mountains for children who are orphaned because of their faith in Jesus.
Doula and Childbirth Partnership
Global Partner Sarah P. serves as a doula and childbirth educator in Eurasia. This enables her to care for local women and build relationships opening doors for the Gospel. In this upcoming year, The Grove will support Sarah as she expands her work and ministry into additional unreached villages.
Remember Nhu Housing
In Thailand, many children are taken into human trafficking when families have no other way to support them. The Grove has partnered with Remember Nhu for the past seven years. Over 40 at-risk children have been given freedom and the opportunity to learn the love of Jesus. The Grove will assist Remember Nhu to open another safe home for 15 at-risk children to escape the threat of the human-trafficking industry.
Southeast Asia
Outreach and Local Care
In 2023, The Grove will support the “T” family as they focus on the hard-to-reach areas in Southeast Asia. Funds will go towards outreach events at Easter and Christmas, as well as disaster relief and local community needs, opening the door for future church plants in their region.
Community Center Development
The Lautaro church building is in need of repair. Our Global Partners the Guevaras will coordinate repairs to the gym, kitchen, restroom, and other areas, while also developing those spaces to become a self-sustained community center. Once complete, the church will host English classes, group sports, cooking classes, and more, connecting the community to Jesus and to the church in Lautaro.
River Boat
The Walker Family, Global Partners in Mexico, work to raise up Latino believers as missionaries around the world. One of their trainees from Mexico has been launched to serve in Brazil. He focuses on sharing the Gospel among unreached peoples in this remote region on the Amazon River. In 2023, The Grove will purchase a boat, so he can reach new regions and plant seeds for future churches.
West Asia
Teen Camp
Our Global Partners in West Asia will coordinate a 3-4 day camp for teens, focused on prayer, worship, fellowship, and Bible teaching. Many of these youth are first-generation believers from Muslim backgrounds. The Grove’s support will provide scholarships to those in need, helping them attend camp and participate in this time of encouragement and teaching.

Ministry Vehicle
Our Global Partners Daniel and Katie Lamb are continuing to grow their church plant in Bangkok. The church needs a 12-passenger vehicle for use in evangelistic trips to other provinces, and in partnering with a local girls’ home to give residents an opportunity to go to church. The Grove will help with funding for this vehicle purchase.
Infant Formula
Sadly, maternal mortality following childbirth is high in Malawi. Global Partners, the Hiroto family, work with Bright Vision Orphanage to care for infants who have lost mothers. The Hirotos currently support 22 infants. The Grove will help by providing funding for the purchase of infant formula.
South Asia
Facility Improvements
The Grove’s Global Partner in this region trains nationals to plant churches and teach in their home countries. Security has become a concern at the training facility, limiting their ministry efforts. In 2023, The Grove will provide funds to enable completion of a protective fence as well as other needed facility improvements.
Middle East
Discipleship and Bibles
Elam Ministries delivers hundreds of thousands of Bibles each year into the Middle East with distribution hubs in over 30 cities across the region. Many are coming to faith and the need for Bibles is great. There is also a critical need for discipling new believers. In 2023, The Grove will fund the printing and delivery of new Bibles and discipleship curriculum to support Elam in their ministry.
San Diego
Kurdish Outreach
Last year, The Grove partnered with Pastor Azad to reach the more than 8,000 ethnic Kurds in the San Diego area. In 2023, the Kurdish Christian Church will again host a Nowroz community festival, seeking to connect with more of the local Kurdish population and share the Gospel with them.
New Global Partners
Hannah D. and Jillian J.
Hannah and Jillian are each doing a one-year program with the International Mission Board, serving in Eurasia. They are a part of The Grove’s Outreach Pipeline and will be serving alongside an IMB partner to help with a church plant through evangelism and discipleship.
Stephen and Nancy Hop
Stephen and Nancy work with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship in the Inland Empire, leading the ministry team at the University of California, Riverside. Their mission is to launch witnessing communities among college students at campuses throughout the Inland Empire.

Responding to God’s Voice
God has laid before us some amazing opportunities. These initiatives will only be accomplished as we learn to live fully in the fear of the Lord. Now it is up to you. How will you respond?
On the weekend of November 12 and 13, 2022, we will receive the 2023 Love Offering that is dedicated to accomplishing these initiatives. Falling short of the goal will simply mean that the most important projects get funded, but others will have to wait.
$1,000,000 is a big goal. It will take the commitment and faith of the whole Grove team, plus God’s power and provision to make this happen. We invite you to be a part of what we believe God will accomplish this year by giving in faith toward these opportunities.
One-Time Pledge
As you pray about making a gift to the 2023 Love Offering, there are two options you might consider. The first is simply making a one-time gift. This gift can be made on the weekend of November 12 and 13 or any time up to December 31, 2022.
12-month Pledge
The second option is to make a Faith Pledge to give over the next 12 months. You can complete a Faith Pledge Card and put it in the offering, or you can pledge online. This is a commitment to give based on your faith that God will enable you to give even if you don’t see how today. Many have found this method to work best and discovered they can actually give more when they give systematically. It is a spiritually stretching experience.
Is my Love Offering gift supposed to be in addition to my regular giving to The Grove?
We are asking everyone to consider making a Love Offering gift over and above their regular giving. Regular giving (tithe) is used to fund normal church operations and ministries. The Love Offering will fund these special opportunities that are unique to The Grove.
When should I give to the 2023 Love Offering?
During the weekend services on November 12 and 13, 2022, The Grove will receive the special Love Offering. You may make a gift at that time or any time through the remainder of the year. Each year, many in our church family choose to make a Faith Pledge and give periodically over the next 12 months. By making a pledge, you are able to give a larger amount than a one-time gift in November. There is more information on the Faith Pledge Online Form at thegrove.cc/pledge.
How much should I give?
The amount of your gift is a personal decision that should be made after seeking God in prayer. It is between you and God. We encourage you to depend on God’s ability and power to provide when you give rather than just your own ability. Experiencing His power to help you give is a faith-building event.
How should I designate my gift?
When you give, please select “Love Offering” from the drop-down menu. Donations by mail can be labeled as “Love Offering.” This will make sure it is recorded correctly when received.
What are the different ways I can give?
In addition to giving online, you may mail a check to the church office or place your gift in the offering box at the end of an in-person service. You may also use The Grove App with your smart phone or go to thegrove.cc and click “Give” to make a one-time gift or to set up a schedule to give periodically.
What is a Faith Pledge?
As the name indicates, this is a step of faith, trusting God to provide as you stretch beyond what you can give comfortably and commit to a future amount God places on your heart. A Faith Pledge depends on God to provide for you, enabling you to fulfill the pledge. You can visit thegrove.cc/pledge to make a pledge online, or pledge cards will be available at the Welcome Counters.
What happens if we don’t reach the $1,000,000 goal?
In 2022, we were able to fulfill every opportunity because of your faithful and generous giving. We believe that in 2023 God will help us do that again. If we do fall short, the Board and staff will prioritize the projects, deciding which projects will move forward and when. Every effort will be made to complete as many of the projects as possible with the funds provided.
If you have additional questions regarding the Love Offering, please contact us by emailing info@thegrove.cc or by calling (951) 571-9090.