Camp is the best opportunity of the year for your student to grow in their relationship with God and in their relationships with other students. As students grow up, it gets harder and harder for them to connect with God. There are so many distractions that take up their time and attention, from school to sports, video games, and social media. Camp is a time when we get to set aside all of those distractions and just fix our eyes on Jesus. When we do this, we are able to grow closer to God and to our community in amazing ways!

This year's Summer Camp is June 9-14, and the cost is $529. Sign up before May 14 to receive an Early Bird Price of $494!




  • The Overflow Summer Camp is an intentional, Gospel-centered experience that provides your student with the opportunity for deeper spiritual growth. We put on the entire camp ourselves. From the theme to the camp speaker to the recreation games to the activities, we put the Overflow touch on everything that goes into this camp.

  • YES!! We know that camp is expensive, especially when you have multiple students attending. We want you to know that we will do everything in our power to make sure that finances are not a reason your student cannot attend summer camp!

    • We have our Gold Cards, which students can sell for $10 apiece. The Gold Card offers discounts to different places in and around Riverside. Every dollar from the Gold Card sales goes directly toward your student’s camp.

    • Summer Camp Sponsorship Weekend is in April, and we will have scholarships available! Click here to fill out a form to apply for a scholarship.

    • Bring-a-Friend Scholarship: We have scholarships designed to encourage our returning students to invite a friend who does not attend The Grove and has NEVER been to a Grove camp in prior years. This form MUST be filled out and submitted with BOTH of your camp deposits. Each person will receive $25 off their camp registration fees upon signing up. The purpose is NOT to take someone from another church’s camp and bring them to ours, but to get someone to go who has never been to camp, so that their life may be forever changed by Jesus Christ! Click here to fill out that form.

  • We go to Camp Cedar Crest in Running Springs, CA. The facility is in amazing condition and has allowed us to take Summer Camp to a new level! We are so excited to be returning to this facility.

  • The cost of registration goes towards the payment we make to Camp Cedar Crest for providing food, housing, the camp speaker, rec games, t-shirts, transportation, and a variety of other expenses. Every single bit of the payment goes right towards making summer camp the absolute best it can possibly be.

  • We do offer payment plans! After the $100 deposit, you can simply make small payments of whatever amount you desire over the coming months leading up to camp so that it is not just a lump sum being asked for the day before we leave.

  • The High School camp is more expensive than the Preteen/Jr. High camp because we stay one more night than they do. We encourage you to sign up early so you can take advantage of the Early Bird Specials!

    Summer Camp this year costs $529 per student; however, we are offering a SUPER Early Bird Special for students who sign up by August 28, 2024. The Super Early Bird Special brings the price down to $449. After this date, we will have an Early Bird Price of $494 until May 14, 2025.

  • Nope! This year, check-in and pick-up will both be at The Grove on Sunday and Friday. We will be taking buses to and from camp.



The Overflow exists to provide high school students a place to experience Christ in a way that will drastically change their lives for eternity. Our deepest desire is that they would be changed by God to reach all people. High School is an awesome but challenging four years of a student’s life. We don’t want anyone to go through it alone. We hope your student will come join the Overflow family! Click here to view our main ministry webpage.

Leadership Team


Jeremy Flye
High School Pastor

Nicolle Solorio
Ministry Coordinator

Alissa Stephens
Ministry Assistant


Follow @TheOverflowHS on Instagram!


Questions about The Grove High School Summer Camp? Let us know!