Only let your manner of life be worthy of the Gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the Gospel.
Philippians 1:27

Peace and joy are things that we all long for in life. We seek them in relationships, careers, financial success, politics, and hobbies. Yet, these things fall short of satisfying what our hearts are truly longing for. It leaves people asking, “Is there a better path? How do we find lasting joy, peace, and contentment?"
Whatever the season, God calls us to look to Him. In Scripture, we see that He is the “God of peace” (Philippians 4:9). And when we live for Christ, we can be joyful and content in both “plenty and hunger, abundance and need” (Philippians 4:12). God reveals that our purpose is found in the most valuable thing we already have — the precious Gospel of Jesus Christ. In response to this redeeming, transformative Good News, God calls us to Walk Worthy of the Gospel and bring Him glory through our lives.
As you read through these projects, we invite you to read through the book of Philippians with us. Consider the path the Lord wants you to take. When we Walk Worthy of the Gospel, God gives us a new purpose. We become active participants in reflecting the character of Jesus, and together we bear the fruit of the Gospel. On this path, we grow in the humility of Christ and look first to the interest of others (Philippians 2:3-4). And in this humility, we pursue peace with everyone without grumbling or disputing (Philippians 2:14). We learn to be content in all circumstances (Philippians 4:13), live with unwavering joy in the Lord (Philippians 4:4), and strive side by side for the Gospel (Philippians 1:27).
In this brochure, you will see The Grove’s 2024 response to Walk Worthy of the calling God has given us. Because the Gospel is central to our newfound purpose, we will reach out to our community and world to share with them the Good News. We will serve our neighbors by helping to provide housing, welcoming them from other countries, and supporting those who are committed to caring for the hopeless. We will train our brothers and sisters to be sent overseas, and we will support the ministries reaching those who are still searching for true joy and peace.
Only because of the Gospel can we joyfully live out our vision of “Being Changed by God to Reach All People.” And we pray that as we move forward on this path that God has called us to, we will walk “worthy of the Gospel of Christ… standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the Gospel” (Philippians 1:27). We trust that God will move in ways that only He can move — that all people in Riverside and around the world will Walk Worthy of the Gospel!
Daniel Bishop, Lead Pastor
Transitional Housing Community
Crest Cottages
Olive Crest is a local non-profit that works passionately to prevent child abuse and neglect by strengthening, equipping, and restoring children and families in crisis. A huge part of their strategy is ensuring that safe and reliable housing is available to all they interact with. Over the last few years, they have developed a program modeled after our very own Grove Village to house young adults transitioning out of the foster care system, as well as families that are at risk of the various factors that lead to entry into the child welfare system.
Through a strategic partnership between Olive Crest and Crest Community Church in Riverside, 11 transitional homes will be built with the ability to house 28 program participants. In this program, these participants will be taught life skills, receive help with career and school placement, and be cared for by the local church. The Grove member Tracy Fitzsimmons, who works at Olive Crest, will be leading the creation and operation of this new program, and we are excited to be a part of establishing the first home in this new initiative.

Adoption Support
As we desire to walk worthy, one way we look to do so is through adoption assistance. We want to help families come together and allow children to join their “forever homes” like The Grove members Steven and Nancy Hop did last year. The Grove will continue to empower families to adopt and foster children through counseling, support, and financial assistance.
Rebirth Homes
Rebirth Homes exists to help women escape the world of human trafficking and start a new life. Through rehabilitation, counseling, and sharing the love of Christ, Rebirth Homes continues to see this initiative become a reality. This year, The Grove will help purchase a vehicle for them, which will provide transportation to the store, doctor’s appointments, and church. We will also help with office improvements for better organization and effectiveness as they fulfill their purpose.
Local Church Support
Here at The Grove, we believe the Lord has uniquely crafted His Church, and each church serves a purpose in helping people walk worthy. There are times when churches, or church plants, need a little extra help to keep fulfilling their unique purpose. This year, we will continue to come alongside these churches to ensure they have what they need to reach all those the Lord brings to them.
Mental Health Counseling
Path of Life
Path of Life Ministries has faithfully served the city of Riverside for years, offering emergency shelter to the homeless and helping them find a way out of it. Often, finding support for mental well-being is a missing piece in this journey, leaving many without help. This year, The Grove is teaming up with Path of Life to change that. We will provide counseling services for those who need them, aiming to bring healing and growth to individuals and families.
Engage Ministry
In 2023, we launched our Engage Ministry to welcome refugee families and international students, being a good neighbor to those from other cultures. Through providing different events, ESL classes, camps, and resources needed for jobs, the impact of this ministry has been profound. In 2024, we will continue to build on the foundation laid while also starting a new initiative called Refugee Welcome Teams. These teams from The Grove will work together to help families new to Riverside integrate into our community and learn to navigate our city and culture while displaying what it means to be disciples of Christ. Funds will be used to help families with education, employment, and transportation.
Easter 2024
Year after year, Easter services bring large crowds of people to service. Some know Jesus, and some are hearing about Him for the very first time. We want to ensure that we do everything possible to reach those the Lord brings and will do so by providing a sunrise service and additional resources. This is all done with the hope that many will return to Christ or start a relationship with Him.
Residency Program
Our Residency Program is for leaders who want to either church plant or partake in church revitalization. We now have two residents preparing to be sent out by The Grove in our first two years. The funds from the Love Offering go towards ensuring each resident gains broad ministry experience. Looking ahead, we will continue training these young leaders, seeking who the Lord might bring to the program next, and preparing to send out our very first resident in the coming year.
Perris Outreach
We love the city of Perris and are passionate about seeing the Lord do powerful work in it. Through this ministry, many have come to know Christ, and we believe many more will develop a relationship with Him. From The Grove Perris to camps for children with incarcerated parents, Bible clubs, and other various activities, we will continue to share the love of Christ with all who call Perris home.
Serve Days
Serve Week has been a staple of our church for the past six summers. From building fences, helping widows with home projects, and serving local partners and churches, Serve Week has been a powerful way to love and look to the interests of others (Philippians 2:4). In 2024, we will continue to serve the greater Riverside area in a new format, taking place over multiple days throughout the year. These days will coincide with our new discipleship project, and funds will be used to provide the supplies and materials needed to make these days happen.
Community Events
God has strategically placed The Grove in a growing area that gives a lot of opportunity to reach the community with the Good News. We do just this through our Community Events, such as Water Mania, Christmas Tree Lighting, and monthly Community Nights, all of which are made possible through the support of the Love Offering. The Grove will continue to reach as many people as possible in Riverside and beyond by hosting these events throughout the year, making personal connections, and opening the door for the Gospel to be shared.
Single Moms Support
Single moms are always taking care of others and rarely have time for themselves. The Grove recognizes this struggle and wants to help take care of them. This year, we will be putting on different events, like Single Moms Night, to show our love and support for those in need.

Meeting Space Improvements
Family Ministries
As our Family Ministries are continuing to grow, improvements to meeting areas are needed. In this next year, we will invest in the meeting areas of our Early Childhood and Preteen Ministries. The A-building will receive new TVs used for curriculum, new storage cabinets, and fresh coats of paint in the classrooms. The Gym will receive sound and visual upgrades. These improvements will further equip our ministries to help children and students walk worthy of the Gospel.
New Fellowship Area
During our weekend services, hundreds of people utilize the Hub and Courtyard for meals shared with family and friends. As we grow, our Courtyard is filling up, leaving many without a place to sit and enjoy their meal. To make room, we will invest in a new eating and fellowship area between the Gym and Room C-100. The first phase of this transformation will begin with adding tables and chairs to this new eating area called “the Patio.” Over the next few years, we will continue elevating the area to create a much-needed space for community.
Debt Reduction
Because of your generosity, The Grove’s debt continues to go down year after year. For the past six years, every dollar received for the Love Offering over the $1,000,000 mark was used to reduce The Grove’s debt and was matched by a generous family in our church. For the 2023 calendar year, we will have paid down $1.6 million in debt principal. This year, we will continue to pay down debt with the goal of being debt-free by 2025!
Kitgum Church Plant
For the last 12 years, The Grove has been a part of planting and helping three churches become self-sustained in Uganda. These churches are vibrant communities of believers who are committed to Christ and each other and are, in turn, planting more churches. This year, we will support a fourth church plant in becoming fully self-sustained.
Missionary Care and Counseling
We are passionate about seeing believers go to the ends of the earth to bring the Gospel. Working on the mission field is hard at times, and there are seasons where our Global Partners need to be cared for and refreshed. This year, The Grove will continue our partnership with Jeanni Shepherd and the Missionary Care house by providing 24 one-day personal retreats for Global Partners all around the world.
Student Care Shelter
Central Asia
The Tibetans remain one of the most unreached people groups in the world. Global Partner Phurpu has faithfully worked to make the Gospel known to them for decades. This region suffers from poor economic conditions, and many children end up living in deep poverty because of it. This year, we will support Phurpu and his team in their second year of providing orphan care. They will have daily Bible study, prayer time, English classes, and more. As they minister to these students, they hope to return to their own villages, bringing the Gospel with them.
Church Building Construction
Global Partners Kellen and Becca Hiroto have faithfully served in Malawi for over 15 years. Kellen serves as the President of CAPA (Central African Preaching Academy) and as an elder at their local church. They just recently broke ground on their church property for a new sanctuary to hold worship services and other community events. This year, The Grove will partner with the Hirotos by providing part of the funds for the new sanctuary, in turn, making it possible for many more to hear the Gospel for years to come.

Students of the missions Pipeline being introduced to the church
Pipeline and The Missions Course
God is calling His church to raise up believers who are passionate about sharing the Gospel across the globe. We desire to follow this call and to properly train new Global Partners to be fully equipped in the field. To help make this happen, The Grove has created a missions Pipeline for the training and sending of new Global Partners. A significant part of this initiative is the Mobilization Team, who will help build those up in the Pipeline and prepare them to be sent. We will also continue hosting The Missions Course to help every person at The Grove see how God is calling them to serve and care for all people.
Adam and Summer Walcker of the Mobilization Team
Sean and Melissa Lyons of the Mobilization Team
Global Outreach Expansion
One of our core values as a church is Outreach. God cares about all people and has given His people a purpose of bringing the Gospel to the ends of the earth. As a church, we are passionate about seeing this purpose lived out by every person that calls The Grove home. In the years to come, we will continue to invest our time and resources in seeing God’s heart for all people spread around the world. The Grove is excited to continue our mission statement of "Being Changed by God to Reach All People" by investing in Outreach.
Christina B.
Pipeline Graduate
Southeast Asia
Christina has been a part of The Grove’s Pipeline, preparing to be sent out to the mission field with Pioneers. She will be serving with the “T” family in Southeast Asia.
Andy & Kathleen Clark
Andy and Kathleen serve in Berlin, Germany, with Novo Mission. They are a group of creative missionaries sent to mobilize the Church around the world.
Kelly & Mel C.
Mel and Kelly are serving in Thailand. They will continue their work with refugees on the border of Myanmar.
Bella G.
Pipeline Graduate
Southeast Asia
Bella has been a part of The Grove’s Pipeline. She will be sent out with Pioneers, serving with the “T” family in Southeast Asia.
Dave & Christy Johnson
Dave and Christy are working with Wycliffe Bible Translators. They will be helping engage others worldwide through digital Scripture in their native language.
Tracy Johnson
Pipeline Graduate
Southeast Asia
Tracy has been a part of The Grove’s Pipeline, preparing to be sent out to the mission field. She will be teaching at an international school in Southeast Asia.
Darren & Teri Logan
Darren and Teri serve in the US with Upstream Sending. Darren is the Director of Mobilization, focusing on helping churches mobilize their people to missions.
Mikayla M.
Pipeline Graduate
Southeast Asia
Mikayla has been a part of The Grove’s Pipeline, preparing to be sent out to the mission field with IMB. She will be serving in Southeast Asia.
Maternity Discipleship Project
Southeast Asia
For over 70 years, civil war has been rampant in Southeast Asia. This has resulted in many being displaced, with pregnant women and infant mortality rates at very high levels. The Bright Star ministry works to decrease the infant mortality rate and increase health delivery practices through proper education, all while sharing the love of Jesus through powerful tracts and booklets. We will partner with Bright Star for the production and distribution of 80 maternity bags that will give all the supplies needed for healthy delivery of babies and care for mothers.
Volleyball Ministry
Middle East
Many refugees in the Middle East are in a holding pattern as they determine where they will live and what they will do. Women are receiving counseling for trauma and grief in their life. With the guidance of the counselors, our Global Partners, the “W” family, have found that physical activity in a safe environment is a healthy outlet for these women. The Grove will come alongside them to expand their volleyball program with gym access and proper equipment opening the door to conversations about Jesus.
Refugee Community Centers
The refugee crisis remains prevalent in Europe, and community centers like the one run by Joni Marble, our Global Partner in Brussels, have been a light in caring for those in need. The Grove will continue our partnership with Joni and her team as they move towards launching 10 new community centers, caring for physical needs and leading people to a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Youth Discipleship Camp
West Asia
The local church is continuing to grow and see more and more people come to know Christ. One strategic way they equip young believers to reach the primarily Muslim population is through a youth camp held every summer. At this camp, young believers are equipped and encouraged to walk worthy. The children grow in maturity in their faith, ready to share the Gospel back home. The Grove will help cover expenses for the camp, as well as fund a scholarship to ensure that finances are not a reason students cannot participate.
Discipleship Material Translation
The Christian community in the Kurdish region in the Middle East is still in its infancy, needing more intentional focus on growth and development. There is a great need for study materials and resources for discipleship and growth of local leaders and believers. The Grove will help with these resources through the translation of discipleship materials for local Bible institute students.

Church Planters Gathering and Advancement
Southeast Asia
God is active in Southeast Asia as people embrace Jesus, needs are fulfilled, and house churches are started. We are privileged to support our Global Partners, the "T" family, in their calling. In 2024, we will fund their yearly gathering, bringing church planters together for training and encouragement. Additionally, we will support their Access Ministry, which offers English classes, and a Bible training school, ensuring the ongoing development of church planters.
Classroom Renovations
The Guevara family are faithfully serving their local church in the city of Lautaro. Through their church and community center, they are weekly sharing the Gospel and seeing people start a relationship with Jesus. Last year, we helped them with much-needed repairs to their gym and kitchen to make their space usable for ministry. This year, we will help them finish three new classrooms that will be used for weekend programming, discipleship, and equipping future church planters.
Refugee Homes and Church Roof
The Grove continues to support the refugees in the Bella Vista area, just outside of Punta Gorda. During The Grove Men’s HANDS Trek, we will build two new homes for refugees. We will also install a new roof at the Independence Church. By providing for these physical needs, The Grove prays the Gospel will go further in this area.
Machaca Camp Stove
The Grove has partnered with Machaca Camp in Punta Gorda, Belize. John and Lisa Gotz, our Global Partners in this region, hold many camps here for men, women, kids, and families. Their current camp stove is no longer viable to keep up with demand. To ensure a safe and welcoming environment while the message of God’s love is shared, The Grove will provide a new camp stove.
Veterinary Student Outreach
Animal care is essential to sustainable life in Mongolia. The Grove’s Global Partners, Michael and Hillary Mincher, connect with the local people where they need it and share Christ by inviting university students to receive free training in animal care. In 2024, they will offer animal clubs, English classes, and a free weekly dinner followed by a Bible study. The Grove will come alongside the Minchers to help fund transportation, meals, and hands-on veterinary training.

Muslim Ministry Worker Gathering
Martin and Joanna C. are faithful servants in Spain who have been called to share the Gospel with Muslims living in Europe. Every 18 months, they hold a gathering for all those ministering to this large population of Muslims for a time of prayer, equipping, and encouragement. As a sponsor, The Grove will help make it possible for hundreds of believers to gather for this time of encouragement and be sent back out refreshed and ready to continue walking worthy of the Gospel they are sharing.
Tibetan Bible E-book
Over the last 13 years, The Grove has contributed towards the translation, printing, and distribution of the New Tibetan Bible, even helping create an app. This year, we will assist in the creation of content such as e-books and web-based flipbooks that are easier to share in countries with higher restrictions. These initiatives will allow for downloading, sharing, and more effective spreading of the Gospel of Jesus.
Church Planter Training
South Asia
The Master Trainer Course offered by TENT (Training in Evangelism, Needs, and Technology) ministries exists to train educated individuals in church planting and self-sustainment. They combine ministry education and technological skills training with the hope of producing self-sustaining church planters who, in turn, do the same for others. The Grove will assist Global Partner John S. and TENT by helping pay for the equipping of 25 master trainers.
Leadership Training and Bibles
Middle East
The Grove has partnered with Elam for the last decade in helping them print and distribute Bibles to over 30 cities in the Middle East. We have also helped increase their opportunity for ministry training, even in the midst of persecution. This year, we will support Elam as they begin to offer specialized training events for people with unique ministry skills like music, media, and technology.
Remember Nhu
For the past eight years, The Grove has partnered with Remember Nhu, an organization that works to end child sex slavery through prevention in Thailand. In that time, over 40 at-risk children have been given a home for safety and the opportunity to experience the love of Jesus. When poverty is high, some families have no way of supporting children, and so they are sold into slavery. We will again come alongside our Global Partner to help prevent this from happening.
Church Classrooms
For 27 years, Global Partners Kurt and Stephanie P. have brought the Gospel to the Balkans’ unreached. Partnering with the only church in the city of Divjake, the ministry continues to grow. To help reach the next generation with the Gospel, we will partner in providing two classrooms for children's and youth programming.
Church Planter Training and Literacy Class
Mission India is passionate about seeing the nation of India learn to walk worthy of the Gospel. As an organization, they provide training for church planters who, after planting, train new believers to go and do the same. This next year, we will help two church planters to go through the training, as well as fund resources for an adult literacy class. Through these initiatives, the church will be equipped to contribute to the work of reaching the 1.3 billion people in India who do not yet know Jesus.
Church and Classrooms
Daniel Nuñez of Comunidad Cristiana in El Niño has been a part of planting more than 50 churches in Mexico over the last 17 years. The work the Lord has done through them is incredible, and we are excited to continue our partnership. This next year, The Grove will send teams to help with some of their new projects. Funds will go towards classroom additions for children’s and student ministries, as well as constructing a new church building for an existing congregation.
Nursery Building
The Nuba Mountains are home to a devoted Christian community that has experienced decades of war-torn uncertainty. Due to this war, there are countless orphans. The local church is rising up to meet the needs of these children and is passionately sharing the love of Jesus. The Grove will partner with the local church to help build a nursery school building where children will be educated in basic studies and about Jesus. This school building will ensure the work continues as the local church lives out its calling to care for the least of these.
School Building Renovation
The Kallestad family, long-time Global Partners of The Grove, have faithfully served for over 40 years in Chile. Their ministry has led to 36 churches being planted across South America and the Middle East. This year, we will partner in the renovation of the second floor of the school they operate, where they educate K-12 students and train church planters. Expanding this floor will enhance classroom capacity, enabling more impactful ministry and equipping opportunities at the school.

Responding to God’s Voice
God has laid before us some amazing opportunities. These initiatives will only be accomplished as we learn to Walk Worthy of the Gospel. Now it is up to you. How will you respond?
On the weekend of November 11 and 12, 2023, we will receive the 2024 Love Offering that is dedicated to accomplishing these initiatives. Falling short of the goal will simply mean that the most important projects get funded, but others will have to wait.
$1,000,000 is a big goal. It will take the commitment and faith of the whole Grove family, plus God’s power and provision to make this happen. We invite you to be a part of what we believe God will accomplish this year by giving in faith toward these opportunities.
One-Time Pledge
As you pray about making a gift to the 2024 Love Offering, there are two options you might consider. The first is simply making a one-time gift. This gift can be made on the weekend of November 11 and 12 or any time up to December 31, 2023.
12-month Pledge
The second option is to make a Faith Pledge to give over the next 12 months. You can complete a Faith Pledge Card and put it in the offering, or you can pledge online. This is a commitment to give based on your faith that God will enable you to give even if you don’t see how today. Many have found this method to work best and discovered they can actually give more when they give systematically. It is a spiritually stretching experience.

Is my Love Offering gift supposed to be in addition to my regular giving to The Grove?
We are asking everyone to consider making a Love Offering gift over and above their regular giving. Regular giving (tithe) is used to fund normal church operations and ministries. The Love Offering will fund these special opportunities that are unique to The Grove.
When should I give to the 2024 Love Offering?
During the weekend services on November 11 and 12, 2023, The Grove will receive the Love Offering. You may make a gift at that time or any time through the remainder of the year. Each year, many in our church family choose to make a Faith Pledge and give periodically over the next 12 months. There is more information on the Faith Pledge Online Form at thegrove.cc/pledge.
How much should I give?
The amount of your gift is a personal decision that should be made after seeking God in prayer. It is between you and God. We encourage you to depend on God’s ability and power to provide when you give rather than just your own ability. Experiencing His power to help you give is a faith-building event.
How should I designate my gift?
When you give, please select “Love Offering” from the drop-down menu. Donations by mail can be labeled as “Love Offering.” This will make sure it is recorded correctly when received.
What are the different ways I can give?
In addition to giving online, you may mail a check to the church office or place your gift in the offering box at the end of an in-person service. You may also use The Grove App with your smart phone or go to thegrove.cc and click “Give” to make a one-time gift or to set up a schedule to give periodically.
What is a Faith Pledge?
As the name indicates, this is a step of faith, trusting God to provide as you stretch beyond what you can give comfortably and commit to a future amount God places on your heart. A Faith Pledge depends on God to provide for you, enabling you to fulfill the pledge. You can visit thegrove.cc/pledge to make a pledge online, or pledge cards will be available at the Welcome Counters.
What happens if we don’t reach the $1,000,000 goal?
In 2023, we were able to fulfill every opportunity because of your faithful and generous giving. We believe that in 2024 God will help us do that again. If we do fall short, the Board and staff will prioritize the projects, deciding which projects will move forward and when. Every effort will be made to complete as many of the projects as possible with the funds provided.
If you have additional questions regarding the Love Offering, please contact us by emailing info@thegrove.cc or by calling (951) 571-9090.